Friday, August 3, 2012

Beef Casserole For a Nutritious and Filling Meal For Your house

#1. Beef Casserole For a Nutritious and Filling Meal For Your house

Beef Casserole For a Nutritious and Filling Meal For Your house

Cooking is something that quite a few of us enjoy if we only have to do it occasionally. It becomes something of a chore when you have to cook normally for your family and advent up with different menus and recipes can be very difficult at the best of times. All families have their favorite foods that they can not get enough of but having to cook the same dishes all the time can come to be quite tiresome. If you are stuck in this predicament and are looking for a nutritious and filling meal for your family then you need to look more intimately at a beef casserole.

Beef Casserole For a Nutritious and Filling Meal For Your house

A beef casserole is quite easy to cook so you won't need to slave over a hot stove for hours to give your family a hot and appetizing meal. Ground beef is best for a beef casserole and we will have a look at a few different ways to make this dish.

One way to make a beef casserole is to season the beef with taco seasoning mix, salt and pepper. You can make it extra hot by adding half a teaspoon of cumin. Spread the ground beef evenly using a nine inch quadrilateral casserole dish. Drain a fifteen ounce can of corn and layer this evenly on top of the ground beef. Make two cups of instant mashed potatoes and spread this on top of your mixture. Put one cup of grated cheddar cheese on top of your casserole mix. Sprinkle more taco seasoning on top and also add a small can of sliced jalapeno peppers. Bake at 375 degrees for one hour or until the meat juices run clear and you have a nutritious and filling supper ready to eat.

If you are looking for a more exotic beef casserole then you can make this in fact as well. Marinate two pounds of beef stew meat in a aggregate of one half cup of good potential burgundy, an equal whole of olive oil and a teaspoon of thyme, for eight hours or overnight. Slice a cup of fresh mushrooms and one medium onion. Saute the mushrooms and onion in butter until just slightly browned. Drain the marinated beef and brown fast over high heat. Merge the beef, mushrooms and onion and simmer gently over low heat until done, about 45 minutes.

All of the preparation can be done ahead of time. Slice three large potatoes thinly and saute in oil until almost done. Spread half of the potatoes in the bottom of a nine inch casserole dish. Put the beef aggregate on top, and then add the remaining potatoes. Add one cup of fresh sliced mushrooms and a sprinkling of dried thyme as garnish. Bake at 325 for 30 minutes. Serve with a dollop of sour cream over each serving.

Well, as you can see, you can make your beef casserole as unique as you want, depending on your taste, likes and dislikes. The best thing about manufacture this meal is that you can cook it and then ice it to use a week or two later to give you a ready meal when you are not in a mood to slave over a hot stove.

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