Saturday, August 4, 2012

10 Foods That May prevent You From Achieving Your Ideal Body

No.1 Article of Corn Casserole Recipes

To build lean muscle and lose fat (ie to shape your body), you need to make sure that nearby 90% of your diet consists of whole, unprocessed foods - basically whatever that doesn't come out of a box like lean meats, veggies, eggs, fruits, etc. If you are eating 5-6 meals each day (and you should be!) that leaves room for about 4 junk meals each week. Be sure your diet contains abundance of protein too.

When it comes to construction your best body, maybe you're not eating as wholesome as you think. Here are 10 foods you may think are good for you, but in reality are whatever but, and can be very detrimental in your efforts at construction the body you desire.

Corn Casserole Recipes

1. Morning meal Cereals. Cereals are labeled low fat, wholesome and recommended for weight loss. Most cereals however are extraordinarily high in sugar. All the time check the label to see where sugar (or whatever that ends in 'ose') is situated on the ingredient list. The closer it is to the top, the more sugar it contains.

10 Foods That May prevent You From Achieving Your Ideal Body

Sue's Tip: primary oatmeal, Weetabix or Vitabrits.

2. Muesli/Granola Bars. Muesli bars comprise some wholesome ingredients such as oats, nuts and seeds but they're glued together with things like corn syrup, honey and just plain sugar, which impact negatively on blood sugar levels. Some bars also comprise chocolate chips, manufacture them not much better than a Mars Bar. Basically they are low in protein, high in fat and sugar - a fat loss debacle.

Sue's Tip: Homemade protein bars/cakes. Here's a popular recipe:

Mix 1 cup oats (dry) + 2 scoops vanilla protein powder + 1-1.5 cup water + vanilla, sweetener (ie Stevia) and cinnamon.

- shredded carrots and raisins Or

-1 heaping cup of blueberries Or

-1 cup cooked pumpkin

Then pour into a small casserole dish and bake for nearby 45min at 180 C (350 F).

3. Low Fat Yogurt. Fat free doesn't mean healthy. Low fat yogurts commonly comprise a lot of sugar, almost 7 teaspoons per 200g container! Add a piece of fruit and your blood sugar (and insulin) levels will skyrocket.

Sue's Tip: Eat plain unflavored yogurt or reduced sugar yogurt instead.

4. Fat Free Muffins. Convenient and tastes good, but not as wholesome as you think. High in carbs, high in protein, and as we've already learned, fat free and low fat commonly equate to high sugar!

Sue's Tip: As for point #3, homemade protein bars/cakes.

5. Sandwiches purchased from cafes. Have you seen the size of these things? Often sufficient to feed a small family, they also often comprise sugar laden dressings, petite veggies and not sufficient protein, and too much bread.

Sue's Tip: Make your own sandwiches using quarterly sized good ability grain bread.

6. Fruit Juice. Even 100% fruit juice has added sugars. Fresh fruit juice, while better for you, is not a fat loss favourite. When you reconsider how many apples/oranges (or you selection of fruit is required to make a cup of juice you can probably understand where I am headed with this one. Too many calories and an overload of sugar (natural or not, it's of no consequence) will not do your physique any favors.

Sue's Tip: Eat fresh or freezing fruit together with some form of protein.

7. Cheese and crackers. This is a popular dieter's snack, but are commonly wheat based (many citizen have wheat intolerance and should reduce the whole of wheat they consume)and highly processed. The compound of highly processed carbohydrates (crackers) and fat (cheese) is a perilous one for fat loss.

Sue's Tip: Brown rice cakes and cottage cheese are a much better fat loss alternative.

8. Sport Drinks. These are supposed to help you replenish electrolytes and carbohydrates. It's nothing else but just sugar water, with up to 30g of sugar per serving. If you are looking for fat loss, the only time these would be indicated is as a post weight training shake to help with recovery (provided you have trained your muscles intensely). And then, you should add 30g whey protein.

Sue's Tip: Drink plain water during your workout, and protein + carbohydrates post workout.

9. Fast Food Salads. comprise sugar-laden salad dressings, preservatives and ordinarily loads of incommunicable fat.

Sue's Tip: Stick to a orchad type tossed salad and add your own dressing, or make your own salads.

10. freezing Meals. freezing fruits and vegetables are great for you, don't get confused with this. I'm referring to the full Tv dinner type meal. They're processed, high in sugar and carbs, commonly low in protein and have added sauces and lots of sodium. Avoid if possible.

Sue's Tip: Cook your own - if time is an issue, have a 'cook up' day or two each week and ice your own home cooked meals ready to 'grab and go.

here 10 Foods That May prevent You From Achieving Your Ideal Body

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