Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Refried Beans and Authentic Mexican Food Recipes

#1. Refried Beans and Authentic Mexican Food Recipes

Refried Beans and Authentic Mexican Food Recipes

If you enjoy manufacture authentic Mexican food recipes and eating primary Mexican foods, refried beans is an example of a excellent Mexican dish.

Refried Beans and Authentic Mexican Food Recipes

A lot of authentic Mexican food recipes feature refried beans as a side dish and beans are high in protein and other nutrients. This bean dish are a primary Mexican method but also favorite in Tex Mex cuisine.

This dish, known as "frijoles refritos" in Mexico, is traditionally prepared using pinto beans but you can use red or black beans if you prefer. You need to soak the raw beans overnight and then drain and mash them, perhaps with a diminutive broth for a runnier consistency.

This bean paste is then fried with lard and seasoned with Mexican spices and salt. Saute some onion and garlic before you add the bean paste for a delicious flavor.

How Refried Beans Got Their Name

In English, "re-" before a word means to do something over again, like in reorder or redo. In Spanish, it means "well" or "very," so "refritos" in effect means well fried and not twice fried like the name in English would suggest.

How to Serve Refried Beans

These beans can be served as a main course or a side dish. They can also be used to make bean burritos or bean chimichangas.

You can use them to make a dip for corn tortilla chips or nachos or as part of a seven layer dip method or a seven layer Mexican salad recipe.

An Authentic Mexican method for Refried Beans

You can make them dry or soupy, depending on your personal taste. Make them wetter by adding more bean juice to the composition as it cooks and keep them drier by using a slotted spoon to replacement the bean composition to the oil. The longer you cook them, the softer, and sweeter they get.

To give the refried beans a different flavor, you can fry some onion, salt pork, garlic, or Mexican sausage in the oil before you add the beans. This estimate of refried beans will feel in the middle of four and ten people, depending either you are serving it as a side dish or a main course.

You can omit the chilies from this method if you are not keen on a spicy flavor, or you can use chili powder or chili paste instead of the fresh chilies if that is easier.

Delicious and Easy Refried Beans

You will need:

2 1/4 lbs pinto beans or black beans, cooked Wax chilies or guero chilies 10 tablespoons oil
How to make it:

Toast the chilies over a low flame or on a griddle until the skin starts to blister, then chop them finely. Heat a skillet over a high heat until it is very hot, then add the oil and beans. Let the beans simmer in the oil for about five minutes, stirring often, then mash them with a potato masher. Add the chilies and serve immediately.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Snack Foods and the Changing Culinary Chic

No.1 Article of Corn Casserole Recipes

In it's simplest definition, a snack is a small part of food meant to hold one over in the middle of meals. In contrast, a meal is typically comprised of multiple items, has higher caloric content and is commonly tied to rituals of time and location.

Historically, snacks were ready from ingredients ordinarily available in the home. This has changed considerably over time with the new norm existing today as pre-made foods that are conveniently packaged and last seemingly forever.

Corn Casserole Recipes

But snack foods are not just treats anymore. They have to come to be part of the larger ingredient mix along with potatoes, carrots or butter. Frito Pie is on the menu alongside the dish of shrimp etouffee. This may not seem leading to the producer as long as products are selling at the store. But it validates a fundamental element of buyer behavior - the end user decides how to use any product he or she purchases. The challenge for the producer is to recognize the innovative ways consumers use their products and facilitate strategies that will help keep the trend going. This means comprehension the fundamental cultural processes that have allowed this transformation to take place and how to capitalize on it in order to grow sales.

Snack Foods and the Changing Culinary Chic

Some reputation to the changing role of snack foods must of procedure be attributed to the inventiveness of snack producers. Restaurateurs and chefs have also been and will continue to be grand influencers. Consumers, rather than turning to maker websites and cook books are finding to the Food Network and local chefs not just for ideas, but also for validation of their culinary choices. Even subculture icons like Lux Interior of The Cramps (a rockabilly/punk fusion band founded in the 1970s) have helped shape the use of snacks in cooking - Mr. Interior had a deep penchant for Doritos Quiche.

To be sure, the snack is the inspiration. We see evidence to support this understanding starting back in the 50's with the introduction of recipe ideas for all from corn flakes to Cheetos. But what accounts for the resurgence of using snacks in cooking in an age dominated by "healthy" foods, "quality" ingredients and of haute cuisine in the home? And what does this mean for a marketer or product development team? The easy is riposte is that by comprehension the deeper issues driving the transformation of how snack foods are used, it is possible to good innovate and drive sales over time. We have identified any areas that deserve special attention.

Snacks as Symbols

Meaning is produced and reproduced within a culture through various practices, phenomena and activities that serve as systems. Rituals related with food laid out a deeply ingrained structure by which meaning is propagated within a culture. In other words, a potato chip is more than food; it is representative of childhood memories, concepts of being a good or bad parent, regional affiliation and other symbolically expensed concepts.

The brand itself is equally symbolically charged. This explains why a generic brand of corn flakes to top your tuna casserole may not be "good enough." Only Kellogg's communicates that the cook cares adequate about the people eating. This also explains, in part, the reluctance of many to buy store-branded products (although other factors come into play as we see, for example, in times of economic crisis).

Flavor is less the issue than the need to generate a dish that fits within the symbolic framework in which it is constructed and consumed. The implication is that it recipe ideas aren't enough. These ideas must be tied to richer symbols. Holder design, shelf positioning, etc. Must all reflect greater symbolic structures and lead to the construction of new and unique traditions that work within the existing framework.

The Invention of Tradition

Traditions exist to support a wide range of ordinarily held ideas, practices and methods used by definite populations. Food joins other elements like music, folklore and clothing to generate culture. Beliefs or customs are taught by one generation to the next and actions are reinforced over time. The preservation of culture, however, becomes much more difficult in a postmodern world.

Through the emergence of tribal subcultures along with the ease and means to recap and cross-pollinate we see many using brands as badges of affiliation. In practice, people are "inventing" tradition by endowing products with rich symbolic meaning. Product, therefore, becomes a means by which people artificially organize a past and validate identity in the present. Mom may have never indubitably made Frito Pie, but it helps the buyer utter a sense of identity to believe that she could have.

Food as Novelty and Play

Finally, using snack foods as ingredients speaks to the very basic need to organize and play. Snack foods used in a way dissimilar from their "intended purpose" is novel. At a psychological level, novelty speaks to four basic principle elements:

Thrill Seeking: the chase of activities and objects that are exciting, unusual and potentially dangerous. Experience Seeking: the chase of unfamiliar and complicated environmental stimuli, as through cooking. Disinhibition: Sensation-seeking through engagement with other people; searching for opportunities to lose inhibitions by fascinating in range in food, sex, alcohol, etc. Boredom Susceptibility: the tendency to be indubitably bored by well-known or repetitive situations or people, or by habit work.

Beyond the sensory benefits of novelty, there is the need to use experimentation as a means of establishing cultural capital. Snack foods have come to be a means by which people not only attain psychological stimulation but also display to friends and loved ones that they are inventive and interesting.


It may be interesting, but what does it all mean? simply put, it means that whoever can tap into these unconscious motivations, symbols, and practices can increase sales, grow customer loyalty and organize brands that are synonymous with enjoyment. We often explain our products through a self-limiting, narrow focus. comprehension snack foods from the vantage point of "ingredient" opens a new series of delivery systems, product possibilities and messaging strategies.

After all, the customer will always settle how to use your product.

my sources Snack Foods and the Changing Culinary Chic

delicious house dinner Ideas For a Large Brood

No.1 Article of Corn Casserole Recipes

Cooking for a large house can sometimes be quite a challenge. Planning ahead and creating tasty house evening meal ideas is the way to stay on top of it. You can admittedly use the seasons to your advantage when cooking for a large family. While the warmer months of the year, use your outdoor grill as much as possible. With a larger cooking space, you can grill any pieces of chicken or hamburgers or hot dogs in report time. Serve your grilled meat with a scoop of barbecued baked beans and an ear of corn on the cob and you have a quick and tasty evening meal for a large house that was made in no time flat!

In the colder months, it is all about casseroles, which can serve a large family. Many population are not fans of "one-pot" meals, but with a large house and very slight time, sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Integrate diced ham with cooked egg noodles, cream of chicken soup, shredded cheddar cheese, canned corn and diced green peppers in a greased casserole dish. Top it with bread crumbs and more cheddar cheese and bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees and you have a hearty, stick-to-your-ribs meal with only one pan to clean up, leaving you more time to spend with that large brood of yours!

Corn Casserole Recipes

Take to other families who have a large household for more house evening meal ideas. Often times, sharing and swapping recipes will give you new and improved ideas to serve your family. If you live in a good community, come up with a "day of cooking" program where you take your kids to the neighbors and you spend the entire day cooking and frosty items that you can use for the month. On a separate day, your neighbors will do the same. This is a great way to keep your freezers stocked with wholesome meals and your children will enjoy having a play date with some of their friends! frosty items such as meatloaf, tuna casseroles, spaghetti sauces and soups is a great plan on colder months when you are not able to use your outdoor grill as much.

delicious house dinner Ideas For a Large Brood
her explanation delicious house dinner Ideas For a Large Brood